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Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi

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 Дата: 14.01.2019 08:38
Автор: By Yvette Munoz


A petition to remove the newly elected House Representative Ilhan Abdullahi Omar was created by an anonymous person that goes by the initials C.M. on January 5th, 2019. C.M.’s objective is not only to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, in 2009 in order to give him U.S. citizenship. In 2011, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar married her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, while still married to her brother. Ilhan Omar legally divorced her brother in December 2017.

Alpha News reported that the entire Omar family has a history of committing fraud, fraud that even precedes their infiltration of the refugee program to travel from their home country of Somalia to the U.K. and later the United States. The Wall Street Journal also published a relevant article in 2008 on the halt on the refugee program in Africa due to DNA tests proving that families had lied about their ties.

The link to the legal petition to remove the fraudulent congresswoman is provided below for those who wish to participate in keeping Washington D.C. clean from any new “swamp monsters”. The petition will expire after 30 days and is required to have a minimum of 100,000 cyber signatures in order to be considered by Congress. The current number of signatures received is 6,817 as of today. At Populist Media, we encourage all of our dear patriots to stand up for our nation and sign the petition.

The removal of (D-MN), IIhan Abdullahi Omar from the 5th Congressional District in her participation in marriage fraud.

Created by C.M. on January 05, 2019

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Ответы и обсуждения

Re: Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
Дата: февраля 12, 2019 18:51
Оценка: 2    Оценить [




Статус: Одобрено

this radical terrorist should never have been and voted in she's a bigamist and a traitor to the USA get her out..

Re: Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
Дата: февраля 22, 2019 07:48
Оценка: -9    Оценить [




Статус: Одобрено

Remove her she should have never been voted in She's a Jew hater and her heart is not for the USA..

Re: Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
Дата: февраля 22, 2019 07:48
Оценка: 3
Статус: Одобрено

Remove her she should have never been voted in She's a Jew hater and her heart is not for the USA..

Re: Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
Дата: февраля 22, 2019 07:48
Оценка: 0    Оценить [




Статус: Одобрено

Remove her she should have never been voted in She's a Jew hater and her heart is not for the USA..

Re: Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
Дата: февраля 22, 2019 07:48
Оценка: -2
Статус: Одобрено

Remove her she should have never been voted in She's a Jew hater and her heart is not for the USA..

Re: Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
Дата: февраля 22, 2019 07:48
Оценка: 16    Оценить [




Статус: Одобрено

Remove her she should have never been voted in She's a Jew hater and her heart is not for the USA..

Re: Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
Дата: февраля 22, 2019 07:48
Оценка: -13    Оценить [




Статус: Одобрено

Remove her she should have never been voted in She's a Jew hater and her heart is not for the USA..

Re: Petition to have Abdllahi Omar removed from her congressional position but to also have her arrested after committing immigration fraud by marrying her own brother, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi
Пользователь: Kenya R. Knezevich
Дата: марта 20, 2019 00:42
Оценка: -6    Оценить [




Статус: Одобрено

She needs to be removed from her congressional position and arrested after marriage to brother to fraud the American's

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