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Living Breakwaters and Tottenville Dune Projects

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 Дата: 29.04.2015 07:51

The Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery invites the public to attend
a Public Scoping Meeting on coastal and social resiliency measures to
be funded by federal Community Development Block Grant Disaster
Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds in and adjacent to Tottenville, on Staten
Island’s South Shore (“Proposed Actions”).

Thursday, April 30
7:00 to 9:00 pm
Community Center
6541 Hylan Blvd
Staten Island, NY
Your participation and feedback
will inform the State of New
York of your concerns and the
public is encouraged to attend!
The environmental review
will evaluate the impacts of
collectively implementing
both components to achieve
layered shoreline protection
and social resiliency, and
also include comparative
analysis of the impacts of
individually implementing
the components.

Tottenville, Staten Island (for illustrative purposes only)
1   13,000 linear-foot ecologically enhanced offshore breakwater
system that would reduce wave energy at the shoreline
and prevent shoreline erosion, and an associated proposed
community Water Hub (1a), which would provide a place for
educational programs associated with the breakwater
2   A proposed hardened dune system would be located along the
Tottenville shoreline from approximately Brighton Street to
Joline Avenue

The online version of the Draft Scope is available at the following
publically accessible web site:
For more information on the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery,
Rebuild by Design program:

In partnership with:

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