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“Close the sky over Ukraine!” - appeal from World Club of Odessites

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 Дата: 27.06.2024 09:10

The other day we received a letter from the Presidential Council of the World Club of Odessites, which we bring to your attention.


Громадська органiзацiя «Всесвiтнiй клуб одеситiв»

Общественная организация «Всемирный клуб одесситов»

Public Organization “World Club of Odessites”


Ref. No.12/7, June 25, 2024, Odessa


Dear Odessites around the world!


“Odessans of all countries, unite!” - Under this motto the World Club of Odessites (WCO) was opened in 1990. Branches of the Club were opened in many countries around the world, thousands of Odessites became its in-person as well as virtual members.

The main task of the club over all these years has been to unite Odessites, regardless of where they live today, for the sake of preserving the cultural, scientific, culinary, sports and other traditions of our beloved Odessa; strengthening its reputation as a truly European city; and active popularization of its image in the world. For more than 30 years, the Club, headed originally by M.M.Zhvanetsky, successfully did this and, over time, itself became not only famous throughout the world, but also a unique and distinct Odessa-very-own landmark.

When this monstrous Putin’s war began, the Club was actively involved in helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine, holding a series of charitable events and events totaling 670,000 hryvnia. Such assistance continues on ever since.

Today the Presidential Council WCO appeals to Odessites of all countries: let’s unite our efforts, capabilities and abilities to “Close the sky over Ukraine!”. First of all this applies to the branches of the Club and Odessa fraternities in New York, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Sydney and Melbourne, Delhi, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Prague, Wroclaw, Tallinn, Chisinau, as well as to all pro-European, pro-Ukrainian and pro-Odessa people.

“Closing the sky” means introducing a no-fly zone over the entire country of Ukraine. For more than two years now, Russia has been firing shells, missiles and bombs at civilian targets and the energy infrastructure of Ukraine. Civilians are dying every day.

We invite Odessites around the world to submit their petitions to local / regional governments, political parties, public organizations, and influential persons to help get this message across: “Close the sky over Ukraine!” This will save the lives of peaceful civilians and save the beautiful cities of Ukraine, including our beloved Odessa, from barbaric destruction.

It is necessary to ensure that the United States, the EU and NATO finally decide to close the skies over Ukraine or ensure the supply of sufficient weapons so that Ukraine can close its skies itself.

Closing the skies over Ukraine will help at first to reduce and, ultimately, to eliminate the destruction of Ukrainian cities and infrastructure, save the lives of many people and enable the Ukrainian Armed Forces to more successfully resist the invasion. This means it will bring victory closer.


Glory to Ukraine!


Presidential Council WCO


P.S. Our tel. +38 067 981 3958.

Please send copies of your petitions to:

Thank you in advance for your active and continuing support of our mission, our City and our Ukraine.

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