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Today isn't only about our fallen heroes. It's also about the families they left behind.

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 Дата: 25.05.2015 12:27

Fellow New Yorkers --

Today we remember our neighbors who answered the call to serve and made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Their strength, their bravery, and their patriotism are an inspiration to us all. Their sacrifice is a reminder that we are always at our best when we stand united as a community.

Share this graphic and join me in honoring our fallen heroes.

Today isn't only about our fallen heroes. It's also about the families they left behind.

In New York City, there are more than 8,000 bereaved military families. For them, the memory of their loved ones' sacrifice is not a once-a-year event -- nor should it be for us.

Let's honor those families and the brave men and women they lost, today and every day:

Thank you,

Bill de Blasio

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